
If you wanna contact me with a question, fan mail, whatever, I'm putting a list here of the websites you can contact me on. I'm not posting my email, cuz I check it like once a month (and that's being generous) and it'd prolly go to the spam folder, cuz stuff that's not spam usually does, while it lets actual spam come through.
Anyway, your best bet is to contact me on deviantart (sprinter136), since that's the easiest to communicate on, and I check it several times daily. I'm also on subeta (sprinter137), neopets (ash_of_the_sea_), youtube (sprinter136), gaiaonline (sprintmonster), Marapets (sprinter_veganfox), Aywas (Sprinter_teh_foxie) and Powerpets (sprinter136). No, I don't have a life.


A few things:

-My characters aren't open for RP, dating or anything else.

-I won't draw, write, or otherwise create anything for you, cuz I'm a lazy bastard. I barely create for myself.

-Don't send me advertisements for anything, like your website, business, porn site, etc. Cuz I don't care, and I won't look at it.

-Don't send me hate mail. It's not gonna accomplish anything but you being reported/blocked.

-I'm not interested in hooking up or dating or anything else related to those things so please don't ask. You don't wanna date me anyway. I'm fat and have small boobs and fart a lot.

-I'm too lazy to finish this list or think of things to finish it.