Name: Peaches
Nickname(s): Poopches, Fartches, Garbageches, Shitches, Pea, Peach
Gender: Male
Species: Ringneck dove
Color: Orange pearled
Birthday: Jan. 8th 2006
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Breeder
When acquired: June 2006
Favorite hangouts: His perch
Favorite foods: Seeds, millet, bread
Favorite bird: None
Least favorite hangouts: My hand
Least favorite foods: Wet/moist foods
Least favorite bird: None
Personality: Noisy, horny, picky/snobby, lazy
Likes: Bread, eating, fresh food, bowing at the other birds, cooing for no reason, going outside
Dislikes: His food being more than a day old, being held, the fan
Other: Was rehomed for several years, but later returned to us. Was in love with Matt.
Name: Isabella
Nickname(s): Izzy, Dee, Deedus
Gender: Female
Species: Diamond dove
Color: Blue white-rump
Birthday: 2013
Mate: Stanley
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Pet store
When acquired: May 2013
Favorite hangouts: The platform, under the table
Favorite foods: Seeds, millet
Favorite bird: Peach
Least favorite hangouts: Her cage
Least favorite foods: None
Least favorite bird: Toot
Personality: Curious, timid, horny, moody, aggressive
Likes: Cooing, looking out the window, exploring, walking around the house, her heated perch
Dislikes: Being held, when people are near her, having to stay in her cage, when the smaller birds fly around her too much
Other: Does male bow-coos. Used to be in love with a fake chick in my room.
Name: Toot
Nickname(s): Teet, Tooty, Tootery, Yellow, Lord Yellow
Gender: Male
Species: Canary
Color: Yellow
Birthday: 2014
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Rescue
When acquired: Oct. 27th 2014
Favorite hangouts: The food dish, a seagull statue, picture frames, the top of the cage, the side of the cage
Favorite foods: Seeds, Phoenix's color food, greens, flowers
Favorite bird: None of them
Least favorite hangouts: His cage, my hand
Least favorite foods: None
Least favorite bird: Owen
Personality: Adorable, cheery, timid, slightly aggressive, horny
Likes: Eating, singing, chewing, clinging to random objects, exploring
Dislikes: Owen, being crowded, being held, people being nearby, being in the cage
Other: Has an injured foot, which is missing a toe. Sings at loud mechanical noises. Mimics Peep. Sits on a toy when he sleeps.
Name: Faith (left) and Hope (right)
Nickname(s): The girls
Gender: Female
Species: Zebra finches (sisters)
Color: Wild type
Birthday: 2020/2021
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Pet store (rescue)
When acquired: Jan. 2021
Favorite hangouts: The nest, the plant, the curtain rods
Favorite foods: Seeds, millet, their own eggs
Favorite bird: Each other
Least favorite hangouts: My hand
Least favorite foods: None
Least favorite bird: Pearl
Personality: Slightly aggressive
Likes: The nest, food, their little cozy hut
Dislikes: Being out of the cage too long, being out of food, sharing their food or
Other: Were used as fighting bait birds and arrived emaciated and mostly bald (still
haven't grown all feathers back).
Name: Owen
Nickname(s): Oween
Gender: Male
Species: American Singer Canary
Color: Variegated
Birthday: Idk
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Pet store (rescue)
When acquired: Jan. 2017
Favorite hangouts: Wherever the other canaries are
Favorite foods: Seeds, millet, greens
Favorite bird: Phoenix
Least favorite hangouts: My hand
Least favorite foods: None
Least favorite bird: Toot
Personality: Showy, aggressive, noisy
Likes: Singing, eating, Phoenix, primping himself, bathing, playing with the bell,
Dislikes: His singing being interrupted, Toot
Other: Was going to be culled by his previous owner, because he didn't meet show
Name: Comet
Nickname(s): Comyet
Gender: Female
Species: Society finch/Spice finch hybrid
Color: Chocolate pied
Birthday: Nov. 5th 2018
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Pet store (rescue)
When acquired: On her 1st birthday
Favorite hangouts: The plant, the nest
Favorite foods: Seeds, millet, greens
Favorite bird: Koko
Least favorite hangouts: My hand
Least favorite foods: None
Least favorite bird: None
Personality: Friendly, curious, cuddly
Likes: Baths, nesting, the plant, hopping on the floor
Dislikes: People walking, the vacuum
Other: Has only laid one egg in her entire life
Name: Koko
Nickname(s): Kokie, Erbop, Koke
Gender: Female
Species: Spice finch
Color: Default
Birthday: Idk
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Medical problems: None
How acquired: Pet store (rescue)
When acquired: July 2017
Favorite hangouts: The side of the cage, the nest, the plant
Favorite foods: Seeds, millet
Favorite bird: Comet
Least favorite hangouts: My hand, the cage
Least favorite foods: None
Least favorite bird: Toot
Personality: Bitchy
Likes: Clinging and doing this weird yanks head back thing, bathing, nesting,
hanging out in the plant, Owen's singing
Dislikes: Anyone being mean to Beep
Other: Was in the same fire that Beep was, but was unharmed. Has a crush on
Owen and regurgitates for him when he sings.
Peen (Female Fawn Zebra Finch, Unknown-2011), Girk (Female Wild Type Ringneck Dove, 1999-2012), Button (Female Wild Type Diamond Dove, 2006-2012), Shamus (Male Blue/White Parakeet, Unknown-2013), Skinny Girl (Female Blue Parakeet (Unknown-2014), Apricot (Female Red Factor Canary, Unknown-2014), Cricket (Male Pied Society Finch, 2011-2016), Matt (Male White Ringneck Dove, 1985-2016), Jose (Female Gouldian Finch, 2009-2017), Chirp (Female Pied Society Finch, 2015-2017), Peep (Male Spice Finch, 2008-2017), Mournie (Female Mourning/Soccorro Dove Hybrid, Unknown-2018), Beep (Male Pied Society Finch, 2015-2019), Rogue (Female Zebra Finch, 2015-2021), Phoenix (Male Red Factor Canary, 2014-2022), Stanley (Male Red Diamond Dove, 2016-2022), Pearl (Female CFW Zebra Finch, 2015-2022), Hope (Female Zebra Finch, 2021-2022)
Notable Mentions
Matt (left) was the first bird I got, when I was 7 years old, after my Mom rescued him from a breeder. About a year later, we bought his girlfriend Girk (right). The two were a very happy couple and had several babies together in Girk's younger years, but they never had very healthy babies so we stopped breeding them after several clutches. When Girk was a few years old, she developed heart problems and spent most of her days on her platform, but she and Matt continued to have a happy relationship (though Girk refused to share her platform with him). Aside from sitting, Girk also loved to eat, and would devour anything that was put in her cage, but Matt was never much of an eater. His main interest, like most male doves, was sex every 5 minutes, and cooing and courting Girk for more sex. In 2012, Girk passed away from her heart problems, and Matt became depressed. We made an effort to spend more time with him, and he perked up, especially when we bought Izzy, who liked to sit on top of his cage. Still, Matt began to succumb to his age after losing his mate, and as she had, spent most of his time on the platform following her death. In 2016, Matt passed away at the ripe old age of 30.
Rogue (left) and Pearl (right) were Zebra Finch sisters we bought in 2016. The two were inseparable and literally did EVERYTHING together. They loved poking around various places in the house (and often laying eggs there) and were never seen apart. They even laid eggs and tended them together, though none of the eggs were fertile. They both loved to eat and would eat ANYTHING, including a notable incident when the two tag-teamed and killed a large spider together and ate it. In 2021, Rogue died mysteriously, and Pearl became depressed. Though she pulled out of this somewhat, she was never the same after her sister died,. She made friends with the other female birds, but didn't develop close to the kind of bond she had with her sister. In 2022, almost exactly a year after her sister's passing, Pearl passed away from old age (though a broken heart is suspected as well).
Peep (far left), Cricket (middle), Jose (right) were who we called "the 3 musketeers". We got Peep (Spice Finch) first in 2008, and Jose (Gouldian Finch) in early 2009 and they became friends. In 2011, when their cagemate Peen died, we bought Cricket (Society Finch), and so began a special friendship. The 3 did everything together, and Peep and Cricket were especially close. Jose was more to herself, but did have a special connection with the other 2. Their bond was especially apparent during Cricket's nesting activities, where he would choose random places in my room to "nest", and the other 2 would guard it. Cricket was absolutely obsessed with nesting and would spend unhealthy amounts of time on the floor gathering materials. Peep's favorite activity was bathing; Jose never bathed and would only stand nearby to get splashed by the other birds. Peep was also very intuitive, and warned us of problems in the house or with other birds more than once. Cricket was the first to pass away in 2016, and while Peep missed him, he still had Jose, as well as a new Society Finch, Chirp, who we got soon after. In early 2017, Jose passed away from old age, and by now, Peep was showing his age as well, and passed away later that year.
(Sorry for the shitty phone pic, its the only one I have with the 3 together)
Button was a female diamond dove we bought in 2006, and who soon became a very special friend. She was a total sweetheart and loved being with people, and she had a very bold, in-your-face personality; if she wanted to do something, she would do it whether you wanted it or not. She had an especially close bond with me, and in fact slept beside my pillow every night, and would sit with me when I was sick. She also loved preening my face, and would give me love coos when I pet her. She didn't have a mean bone in her body and was friendly with all the other birds as well, even the ringneck doves who were much bigger than her. Sadly, Button died at just 5 years old from an unfortunate accident; far too soon for such a sweet soul.
(Note: watermark is my Mom's so don't scream that I stole it)
Temporary guests/rescues: Chicklet and Material, Matrix, Big and little Beb, Matt and Girk's babies whom were rehomed in 2000-2001, apart from Matrix, who died from splayed leg complications. Ariel the female Cockatiel, given to a family member in 1999. Luna the male parakeet, rescued and rehomed in 2015. Big Girl the female parakeet, rescued and rehomed in 2015 (later passed in 2017). BumBum the Chipping Sparrow nestling, failed foster in 2010. "Little Angel" the Mourning Dove nestling, failed foster in 2013. Unnamed female American Goldfinch who rested in our home for several hours after hitting our window in 2018. Unnamed male Eastern Phoebe nestling, fostered and released in 2020. Hopper the male Dark Eyed Junco, rescued after serious head trauma (window strike) and released in 2021. Unnamed female American Robin fledgling, rescued and taken to rehab for air sac injury in 2021.
-James Munrowe, Poe Garret, Cassandra Serrano, Edward Capriotti and Sabrina Sommers created by Bikeman
-Rita created by Cusack
-Gail and Oswald (Ocean) created by Box
-All stuff on the Neopets page, other than my pets designs and development, copyright to Neopets
-The rest made by me (Sprinter). Do NOT steal!
All characters (and the towns of Brookeville and Frenata) are fictional so don't sue me for saying shit about you or anything. Cuz they're not based on anyone real, so it's all just
shit from my brain yo.
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